Wednesday, March 15, 2006

on the existence of satan

you now know that there is in fact a Dark Lord, a being of unimaginable vileness, the chief spirit of evil, adversary of God, tempter of mankind and master of Hell

you know because only a creature such as He could possibly have sired the demon-child you just encountered on the bus home

nothing completely human could produce the unholy screams that just forced you to chew your knuckles till they bled, get off just two stops in to your journey and return to 1004 to smoke and pray for salvation

it can't have been human, it just can't

the sounds ranged from guttural, choking sobs to piercing, nausea-inducing shrieks

seriously, not fucking human

what would you do if you were this thing's mother?

she just sat there, oblivious

perhaps the experience of receiving and housing satan's seed has left her soul so dimmed that she can no longer react to things in the same way normal people can

or maybe, understandably, she just pierced her eardrums with a knife months ago, as you considered doing

beware, dear friends

the calendar date on june 6th this year will read 6/6/6, and we should wholly expect that little blonde bastard to sprout wings and fly across the city, breathing fire, striking down innocents and ushering in a new era of impenetrable and eternal darkness

the Dark Lord cometh, none shall be saved


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I am all for deep but you need some help

12:54 p.m.  
Blogger Tony said...

i'm a little confused... is anonymous talking about this or another post? there's nothing particularly deep on this one, whatever about elsewhere

it was all tongue-in-cheek, just unwinding in words

i never said i didn't need help, but i also didn't ask for advice from anyone that reads this

so if you're gonna lob out comments like that, you should at least be courteous and explain yourself

and have the balls to leave your fucking name

12:43 p.m.  

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